#Energy Storage

Innovation boost for green energies
Think Green
Innovation boost for green energies
It doesn’t always have to be a solar module on a roof or a wind turbine in a field. Around the world, resourceful engineers are seeking to tap new energy potential. “tomorrow” presents three innovative pilot projects.
November 2024
Between anode and cathode: the future
In Motion
Between anode and cathode: the future
As energy storage systems for electric vehicles, traction batteries are increasingly attracting attention. They’re a challenge and key technology for climate-friendly mobility. A look at the current state of development and at technological prospects
September 2023
Sustainability – how solid is your knowledge?
Think Green
Sustainability – how solid is your knowledge?
What is special about the “anti-solar cell?” What is the Great Green Wall in Africa? Sustainability is one of the most important megatrends of our time - test your knowledge.
July 2022
Hot sand for hot winters
Think Green
Hot sand for hot winters
Wouldn’t it be great if the summer heat could be recovered for heating in winter? Scientists worldwide are researching this. tomorrow presents two novel means of storage: sand and acid.
July 2022
Energy storage systems of the future
Think Green
Energy storage systems of the future
Electricity storage is a key component of climate gas reduction. What role can mechanical systems such as flywheels, gravity and compressed-air energy storage play in this context? An overview.
May 2023
Clean energy galore
Think Green
Clean energy galore
Some countries produce more sustainable energy than they need. New technologies help distribute surplus power efficiently.
September 2021
Always follow the sun
Think Green
Always follow the sun
Sun, wind and water can supply sufficient energy to cover the worldwide demand. An efficient global power grid is an important key of innovation to achieving this goal.
December 2021
Electricity from an e-car
Future Life
Electricity from an e-car
A large high-voltage battery like the one in the Audi e-tron stores up to 95 kWh of energy. Theoretically, this is enough for operating various appliances around the clock
October 2020
In the heart of Hertz
In Motion
In the heart of Hertz
In his thriller “Blackout,” Marc Elsberg describes the collapse of civilization within just a few days due to catastrophic failure of the power grids. How vulnerable are modern societies?
September 2019
Energy – The engine of progress
In Motion
Energy – The engine of progress
The development of humanity is inseparably tied to the amount of energy we’re able to generate and consume. A brief history of human energy consumption in five chapters.
April 2017