#Everyday Life

Embracing instead of struggling
Future Life
Embracing instead of struggling
How do we manage to integrate new technologies and the resulting key to the future into our lives? Occupational psychologist and “curiosity researcher” Dr. Carl Naughton has been exploring this question for more than a decade.
November 2024
Frankenstein has resigned
Future Life
Frankenstein has resigned
The integration of technological solutions for feeding the world in the future is meeting with increasing acceptance by consumers.
September 2024
We followed by I – followed by illness?
Future Life
We followed by I – followed by illness?
Whether intentionally or unintentionally, humans are increasingly evolving from pack animals into lone wolves – with serious consequences for human health. Loneliness is as dangerous as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, says the WHO.
August 2024
On the way to Cleanland
Future Life
On the way to Cleanland
Discarding and burning waste will soon be history – tomorrow the Danish island of Bornholm intends to have implemented a zero-waste concept. However, achieving that goal is a feat requiring a joint effort of everyone involved.
April 2024
Children’s eyes looking into the future
Future Life
Children’s eyes looking into the future
Today’s children are tomorrow’s pioneers. “tomorrow” looks at how the youngest generation views the future. We asked children in various regions of the world what invention they’re still missing.
February 2024
Progress? Sure! But in my back yard?
Future Life
Progress? Sure! But in my back yard?
When large-scale technical projects or social change knock on the door the time has come for Nimby, an acronym that stands for “not in my backyard.” But what’s this alleged attitude of refusal all about?
January 2024
High-tech ID
High-tech ID
Official ID cards and passports are frequently needed documents during the current travel season, but have you ever bothered taking a closer look at them? We have – and discovered some astonishing facts.
August 2023
Hinterland on the move
In Motion
Hinterland on the move
Hauling people and goods in rural areas is often tricky. In many places, bus and train connections are lacking. Connecting remote regions that have been left behind poses a worldwide and multifaceted challenge.
June 2023
Be brave!
Be brave!
Traits that characterize captains at the helm of a ship in a storm include resilience and pragmatism. What can people at the helm of businesses learn from mariners in terms of resilience? Quite a bit, says maritime expert Stefan Kruecken.
March 2023
That makes sense
Future Life
That makes sense
Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste – these senses not only have biological relevance for us human beings but also connect us with our surroundings. Consequently, disorders within the sensory system have an impact. High tech can provide relief.
January 2023
SciFi Kids
Future Life
SciFi Kids
How are demographic change and technological progress going to change the family system? Together with the specialists at Z_punkt foresight consultancy SOS Children’s Village Hamburg ventured a fictitious outlook for the year 2070.
November 2022
Fireworks of the future
Future Life
Fireworks of the future
Fireworks are part of the New Year. However, these bombs of fine dust are not environmentally friendly. We present to you: There is a clean alternative: drone displays – high-tech pixels in the night.
December 2021
Crops for insulation
Future Life
Crops for insulation
Effective insulation, good indoor climate, simple production, plus carbon neutrality: new natural building materials using hemp or corn might revolutionize the construction industry.
December 2021
Directly to your door!
Directly to your door!
Billions of letters and parcels are sent every year. To do this, the deliverers rely on state-of-the-art machines and digital technologies. A look into the gears of global logistics chains.
November 2021
I want to ride my bike
In Motion
I want to ride my bike
A classic is turning into the spearhead of urban mobility transformation: the bicycle.
October 2021
Smarter living
Future Life
Smarter living
Time is in scarce supply – all the more reason to use it efficiently. These tricks help you make more time for yourself on the job and after hours.
September 2021
Less chain, more flexibility
In Motion
Less chain, more flexibility
Neither chain, nor shaft, nor belt - Schaeffler presented the "Bike-by-Wire" system Free Drive as an innovative solution for bicycles at Eurobike 2021 in Friedrichshafen.
September 2021
All work and (some) play
All work and (some) play
After nearly twenty years of spectacular robot development and the third change in ownership, Boston Dynamics is now aiming to break even with an initial product.
April 2021
Smarter living for seniors
Future Life
Smarter living for seniors
Scientists are working at full stretch on the development of robots for everyday life and technical systems to keep an aging society agile for as long as possible.
April 2021
Ingenious misses
In Motion
Ingenious misses
The history books of technology are full of misunderstood inventions. Not all of them were bad, but some of them just hit the market at the wrong time.
December 2020
The mastermind
Future Life
The mastermind
Gyro Gearloose is the innovative mastermind in Disney’s Duckburg universe. As we’re seeing today, many of his inventions were definitely those of a true visionary. But read for yourself …
December 2020
Learning for a complex world
Future Life
Learning for a complex world
An innovation-driven world changes all of our lives. Here are five areas education and training should focus on to prepare people for the new digital knowledge society.
December 2020
Off to new shores
In Motion
Off to new shores
Acting with consistency, thinking with agility, responding with flexibility. These globetrotters have mastered the art of planning as perfectly as the art of adaptation.
April 2021
Smart lines
Smart lines
Practically all products today have their own identifier: a barcode. A beep and the checkout terminal knows the article’s name, its price, its tax rate and more, thanks to some black and white bars.
December 2019
Lucky coincidences
Future Life
Lucky coincidences
Pursuing a clear goal ... and discovering or inventing something totally different. This is referred to as serendipity. Legendary examples from laminated glass to Viagra.
March 2020
Rethinking the world of work
Future Life
Rethinking the world of work
Developing increasingly sophisticated products at a continually accelerating pace – this can only be achieved with agile organizational structures. “New Work” is the new fitness formula for companies.
December 2019
Neo jobs in the world of tomorrow
Future Life
Neo jobs in the world of tomorrow
Artificial intelligence, quantum physics and robotics will dramatically change our world this century. Some jobs will disappear while others will emerge. This is what such neo jobs might look like.
December 2019
Let’s talk about future
Future Life
Let’s talk about future
Digital technology is changing the future of our working world. For industrial sociologist Martin Krzywdzinski, algorithms and machines neither pose a threat to humanity nor they are ultimate saviors.
December 2019
Inner drive
In Motion
Inner drive
The working world has seen constant change in hundreds of thousands of years. By contrast, this cannot be said for a major reason why we work.
December 2019
Grandpa’s Journey to the Moon
Grandpa’s Journey to the Moon
The future was never brighter and enthusiasm for technology never greater than during the brief period between the eve of the 20th century and the outbreak of the First World War.
November 2019
In the heart of Hertz
In Motion
In the heart of Hertz
In his thriller “Blackout,” Marc Elsberg describes the collapse of civilization within just a few days due to catastrophic failure of the power grids. How vulnerable are modern societies?
September 2019
Homo sapiens 2.0
Future Life
Homo sapiens 2.0
Das Gehirn goes online.
September 2019
Hidden champions of botany
Future Life
Hidden champions of botany
Inconspicuous plants with natural superpowers might soon help us stop famines, the destructive overexploitation of raw materials or climate change. Here are five examples.
September 2019
Out of office
Future Life
Out of office
It doesn't always have to be a desk. These ten people have a slightly different workplace.
December 2019
Rising to the Challenge
In Motion
Rising to the Challenge
Clogged roads and railroads at their capacity limits – the conquest of airspace may help decongest traffic on the ground. Vertical mobility using drones is a promising complement to the portfolio.
April 2019
Integrative innovations
In Motion
Integrative innovations
Living with a disability entails major challenges – modern technology can assist in managing them. But even people not challenged by disabilities can benefit from such innovations.
September 2019
Heroes with superspeed
In Motion
Heroes with superspeed
Superheroes and their superpowers: When it comes to acceleration, Superman, Flash & company push the boundaries of imagination. “tomorrow” shows what high-speed rides these heroes are capable of.
August 2024
Future Life
Who in the world wound the clock? That’s a legitimate question. Although, due to technological progress, we have more time than ever before it seems to be passing faster and faster.
December 2018
Tokyo 24h
In Motion
Tokyo 24h
What’s it like to live in the world’s biggest city as a foreigner? Andreas Neuenkirchen, an author of numerous books, has been living in Tokyo since 2016. For “tomorrow” he captured a typical day.
July 2018
No brave new worlds
Future Life
No brave new worlds
The city in science fiction stories rarely lifts the reader’s spirits. In most sci-fi novels, people are living in cramped conditions of dirty megacities instead of picking flowers on Mars. But why?
July 2018
The long road to the modern city
In Motion
The long road to the modern city
The urbanization of the world began 10,000 years ago. Since then, humans have been trying to master the challenges it entails. A brief tour of urban development history.
July 2018
The subtle difference
The subtle difference
Are men interested in machines and women are not? Before this question provokes a public outcry, it’s worth taking a look at a few statistics and the changes that are currently taking place.
December 2017
On the move
In Motion
On the move
In countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia more than 80 percent of all households use two-wheeled vehicles to satisfy their mobility needs – reason enough to take a closer look.
September 2017
Connecting links
Connecting links
They take us across rivers and valleys, connect city districts and cross other roads – whenever motion might be obstructed, bridges pave the way – like these prime examples of their kind.
September 2017
Energy – The engine of progress
In Motion
Energy – The engine of progress
The development of humanity is inseparably tied to the amount of energy we’re able to generate and consume. A brief history of human energy consumption in five chapters.
April 2017